Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tahukah Anda??

Nak Tahu x????
  • MADU merupakan satu-satunya makanan yang tidak akan basi...
  • TUTUNENDO, COLUMBIA, dan AMERIKA SELATAN, ialah tempat yang paling lembap di dunia dan menerima hujan sebanyak 11,770 ml setahun..
  • TIRAM boleh mengubah jantinanya beberapa kali sepanjang hayat...
  • NYAMUK pembawa penyakit merbahaya dan mempunyai 47 batang gigi...
  • ZIRAFAH boleh melihat ke belakang tanpa perlu menoleh kepalanya...
  • DUBUK ialah satu-satunya binatang yang boleh ketawa seperti manusia...
  • MASYARAKAT mesir purba akan mencukur kening mereka tanda berkabung apabila kucing mereka mati...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Petua ! Petua! Petua!

1. selamat tinggal jerawat
  • Rendamkan asam gelugur semalaman. tumbuk pcuk jambu batu,kmudian cmpurkan dgn air rendaman asam gelugur. Sapukan ke muka, biarkan beberapa minit kmudian bilas...lakukan 2 kli sminggu....:)
2. Menghindarkan Parut di muka
  • Kisar timun dan tapiskan airnya. Tampalkan hampas timun pada muka, biarkan selama stgh jam. kemudian cuci bersih denagn suam.
3. Scrub pencerah tubuh
  • Goreng beras tanpa minyak selama 10 minit. Kemudian, kisarkan hungga halus. Gosokkan ke tubuh ketika mandi, Amalkan 3kli sminggu. Selain cerah kulit juga akn m'jd lmbut...
4.memerahkan pipi
  • sapukan hampas teh yang telah digunakan ke muka, biarkn beberapa minit kemudian bilas.
5. Wajah bersih berseri
  • cuci muka dengan air basuhan beras. Lakukan setiap har. InsyaALLAH kulit muka anda akan cerah berseri.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

MUET Speaking: 5/4/2011

advantages of fast food outlets

a) fast food provide job opportunities to young people
b) fast food provide convenient services
c) fast food provide variety food
d) fast food provide a better environment for meals.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Five Rules For Living Happy - Ways to Be Positive About Life

1. Stop thinking about yourself so much. Replace self-absorbed thoughts with thoughts about how you can help someone else.
2. Stay active. Frantic rushing around with scattered thoughts and an exhausted state-of-mind is not the same as a healthy, mindful and active life. Choose how you spend your time, and put most of the effort in each day on those things you love. We all have tasks and mundane chores to take care of, so make a habit of getting them done quickly and efficiently. This frees your main energy for the work and relationship that bring deep satisfaction to you.
3. Each time you realize your thoughts have become negative, and you are repeating negative or critical things to yourself and others, make a decided effort to turn those thoughts around 180 degrees until they are positive. At first, you may be able to only be a bit less negative, but with practice and discipline, you will teach your mind to focus on positive outcomes. This will give you more energy, and boost your happiness level.
4. Laugh often. Even if - or especially if - you're in a low mood, be sure to fit time in your life for frequent laughter. Subscribe to a website that sends out daily jokes or cartoons to your email. A search in your browser for "daily humor" should get you a good selection. A good un-self-conscious chuckle or outright guffaw will elevate your vibratory level to a high energy positive mood, that will radiate from you like light beams. You'll cheer yourself up, along with anyone who comes near your orbit.
5. When you are feeling discouraged or upset about something specific, remind yourself "this too will pass" - that is a time-proven proverb that is easy to remember and it really does help to gain perspective about the relative unimportance of what is going on in your life. Even if it is a major stressor, such as moving or the death of a loved on, paying attention to your own life journey will help you stay positive. You can choose to remain focused on what you need to take care of now, without getting lost in the emotions that could disable you from moving forward. Have courage (fear that said its prayers) to keep going with the next right action in front of you for today.
Learning how to be positive about your life is a vital ingredient of being happy for no particular reason, but only because it feels good and you are glad to be alive.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Become A Good Speaker

Sound Sincere With What You Say
Sincerity in your words tops the order among the attributes of a good speaker. People will pay heed to what you are saying, if they feel you are for real. Excellent speakers are those who are not just good orators, but also come across as genuine. The key to appear sincere is to speak in a conversationalist tone, as if you are talking to your audience. Speak in a way you talk to people in your day- to-day life, to strike a chord with your audience.

Cultivate Knowledge On The Subject
For a good speaker, content is extremely important to stand out as someone who is intently heard by his/her audience. If you already know the subject you have to speak on, try to cultivate an insight into the subject and expand your knowledge base. People appreciate knowledgeable speakers and delivering substantial and interesting information will hold you in high esteem with your listeners. A good speaker, just like a good professor, will always go prepared for the speech.

Learn To Modulate Your Voice
Every word that one says carries a different emotion and these emotions need to be transmitted to the audience in an expressive way. One of the greatest qualities a good speaker should posses is the ability to modulate his/her voice to for effect. Hitting the nail right on the head is all about being able to convey your thoughts and make the audience feel what you are saying. Voice modulation may call for some practice, but it can be easily mastered over time.

Maintain Eye Contact With The Audience
The golden rule to be a successful speaker is to maintain eye contact with the audience all through your speech. A lot of people have a tendency to look anywhere, but in the eyes of the person or the group they are addressing. This habit can be very off-putting for the audience and the speaker will fail to garner enough attention for himself/herself. Exploit your confidence to the limit and maintain constant eye contact with the audience, as you speak.

Add Humor To Your Content
No matter how great an orator you are, a drab content will soon wither away the interest of the audience. You need to make the session interesting by adding a dash of humor in your content, to keep the audience amused. Holding the interest of the audience for long is a great art that can be perfected over time. An excellent content laced with humor and an equally witty disposition to carry it off will work as icing on the cake, for a good speaker.